

Find indoor and outdoor games and activities that will challenge and develop your child's creativity, imagination, thinking skills, and social skills. Search our Activities Center for more great ideas



Sidewalk chalk game-

Kids could spend hours just doodling with all that sidewalk chalk you bought , but you could also organize a sidewalk art contest for all the children in the neighborhood! Or, try using chalk for any of these pencil and paper games— like tic tac toe, hangman, and dots-and-boxes.


This classic playground game traces back to the Roman Empire, and was first referred to in English as "scotch-hop" or "scotch-hopper". It's a great way to squeeze in some health active play for kids Try the basic game of hopscotch, or any of its fun variations!

Marble Bounce-

All you need for this fun game is sidewalk chalk, marbles, and two or more players. Kids draw a circle with the chalk, and drop their marbles to try to knock their opponents' marbles out of the circle.

Penny Pitching-

In this simple game, two players take turns tossing pennies (or beads, or rocks) to try to hit the other player's penny so they can claim it as their own. The player who ends up with the most pennies wins!

Bubble Contest-

Blowing bubbles is a must during the summer! Why not have a family or neighborhood bubble-blowing contest? You can try making school web site by (a great backyard science experiment!) and your own giant bubble wands or bubble pipes. See if anyone can master the trick of blowing donut-shaped bubbles!

Read Good Books-

Cuddle up in a blanket with her favorite book and read together or start a series together like Harry Potter or The Chronicles of Narnia. Take turns reading, or have her read to you to keep her focused and interested.

Make a rain Stick-

If you're feeling crafty, gather up a paper towel tube, crayons, tinfoil, masking tape, dry rice and a long pipe cleaner. Have your child color and decorate the paper towel tube. Next, fasten tinfoil to one end with masking tape. Coil the pipe cleaner and fit it into the tube, along with the rice. Secure the other end of the tube with tinfoil and tape. Your child's rain stick is now ready to make soothing rain sounds.

Cook Together-

As long as the kids are stuck indoors, why not spend the day together making a family-favorite recipe? Make cooking fun with your assistant chiefs by assigning responsibilities. My youngest likes to mix while my oldest likes to shake in the herbs and spices (under my supervision).

Not only will they feel important and useful, they'll also be proud they helped make something. Plus, you get to get some cooking done for the week

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